Hey voxel..
nice meeting you in chat last night... but I hadn't read your topic yet , .. so some of us were a bit goofy in chat .. sorry about that.
This is a weighty matter to think about, stressful too.
I concur with another poster that for her parents to go from nice an accepting to .. hey we aren't coming..shows that they are not going with what was in their heart but are being influenced by the elders of the Watchtower Society.
It is very sad..that they will not be coming to your wedding..and I am sure this will upset your fiance for sure..She will be sad about that as well as you.
However, try to keep her in the correct mind set..That."this is not her fault" They are the ones who are choosing to cast off because of this religion.
Dont let them make her feel that this was "her choice".. She has already made her choice, obviously, and invited them to the wedding.. and they are the ones who have responded to that invitation in a negative way.
I would perhaps make sure that my wedding was video taped in depth and would forward them a copy..because they are caught up in this web of religious ferver..even though their basic instinct is probably to be there. They may keep the video and watch it in private . and see the joy on both your new wifes face as well as your own.
I wouldn't suggest becoming a J.W.. that truly is emotional blackmail. I believe you would surely regret it. Investigate J.W. teachings here and I am sure you will make the right decision about joining..
If you think her parents have been flip-flopping.. wait until you see how this religion is flip flopping and messing up families lives.
Some parents forget their role with their children (.. and J.W. parents, by majority almost always do.... That role is to help your child to grow up and be as true to their thoughts and decisions and choicesin life. and to support them in those decisions (even if we don't think they are right).
Life is to be lived and not "controlled" by parents or anyone else.
Bring her to the forum if you can.. She will meet many here who share this same problem with their parents.
Best wishes (get married in love, voxell)
and meet you in chat another time
Special K